Incorrect rotation triggers too much weight on your back leg/foot. Pressure on your back leg/foot triggers a tilt in the angle of your hips, dipping of the shoulders; triggers pulling off the ball, long and loopy swing as your bat head to drops....

Basic bat speed training tips and drills. Rotation takes the weight off your back foot, so you can spin on your back toe. Head down at contact and on your swing follow through. You can’t keep your head down on the follow through if you’re arming, and casting your swing....

Get a look at different types of pitches and their movements – slider, sinker, curve, change, knuckle, split finger, fastballs. Track the baseball out of the pitcher’s hand all the way into the catcher’s glove....

Heavy bat drills improve strength in forearm muscles controlling the level of your bat. Weak forearms, and bad mechanics cause dipping of your barrel, hitting the bottom of the ball; resulting in a pop-up. Additionally, your wrists turn from your forearms, and rolling causes the barrel to rise; hitting a ground...

To prevent pulling off, track the ball; making contact closer to your body, and develop your hitting approach. Relaxing helps you to stay back, and potentially decreasing the perception of the speed of a fastball by 5 miles per hour. ...

As a rule, there are 3 main types of baseball hitters: “See the ball, hit the ball” and “guess hitters”, and then those that combine both to form a hybrid approach. Each of these baseball hitting techniques has its advantages and disadvantages....