12 Sep Leading Hand Isolation
Overview: Hitting drill to improve, leading hand strength, speed, and extending mechanics. Setup: Laser Linea. Drills: Side toss....
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Overview: Hitting drill to improve, leading hand strength, speed, and extending mechanics. Setup: Laser Linea. Drills: Side toss....
Multi-Swing Method side toss drills, relating to pitch-type/location. Setup: Laser Beam, Laser Linea, Laser Reflex, Laser Blast, Laser Whip....
Part one, Laser Reflex, hitting the “up and inside” fastball, short/flat swing plane. Part two, Laser Blast, mid-extending contact....
Laser Beam drills, isolating contact closer to the body, thigh-height and above; toss the ball, in between the belly button, and leading hip....
Contact Zones: Mid-to-extended. Gameday Skill Set: Sitting-on-your-pitch, or guess-hitting, identify and capitalize on a pitchers mistake, hitting in “aggressive swing” batting counts; example 3 balls-1 strike, expecting a "belt-high hanging breaking ball," or below average fastball....
Setup: Laser Blast, Laser Whip, Laser Beam, and Laser Linea. Batting Drills: Side toss, and one-handed side-toss. ...
Hybrid mechanics, facing best pitchers early in the batting count; Reflex, 2-strike hitting, and Think mechanics, sitting on the mistake....
Round 1) Compact swing, fastball hitting, lowering the trailing elbow, minimal stride, two-handed follow through. Round 2) Elongating swing....
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I have identified your hitting trainer as the best for proper upper-body swing mechanics. - Howard Nakagama, Scout, Chicago White Sox ; USA.