08 Aug Case Study: James Brunskill, Carine Cats
Case study over four batting practice sessions, and gameday results....
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Case study over four batting practice sessions, and gameday results....
Sequencing Laser Blast, Laser Whip, removing your bat speed trainer; feeling an increase of bat speed, and connected mechanics. ...
Ball tracking, hitting approach, balance, diving into the plate, inside and outside pitch, over-swinging; and more....
See the progression over 5 batting practice sessions, and gameday implementation. Front toss, bat speed drills, and heavy bat training....
The precise amount of resistance and acceleration with a silky-smooth, and intuitive design. Hit smarter, faster, stronger; for longer....
Eliminate the hitting mistakes, resulting from your elbows, drifting away from the torso: Lunging/reaching and Long/casting baseball swing....
Hitting tips, adjusting your batting stance/body, according to the pitch velocity....
Simple hitting drill, spotting the baseball/softball to improve mechanics, and bat speed....
Description: Batting practice tips, for the best hitting approach to activate your reflex hitting muscles....
Maintaining balance in the batter’s box, coaching an athletic stance. Hitting tips to increase bat speed, reduce lunging, and strike outs....
Exploding, core power; staying connected at contact (deep-contact). Example: Hard-up-inside-fastball, no time to think; “on-you” fast....
Overview: Fastball mechanics, hitting approach, and compact/flat swing plane....
Coaching fastball hitting mechanics, activating the reflex system to improve bat speed. Pitch selection, ball-tracking, hitting approach....
Overview: About the Hit Lasers (Two-Piece) Bat Speed Trainer, sizing, fitting, Multi-Swing Method, coaching youth, batting stance, approach, rotation, and ball-tracking....
Overview: Fastball hitting, rotation, batting stance, and tracking. Practicing the challenging pitches improves game-day performance....
It's helping players get a better feel of how to use their body. - Dwight Malloy, WSN Sports Academy; OHIO, USA.
"Proud of my boy, U/17 All Australian, State League, batting champion, making the All-Star team, another great result for the product, thanks." - Colin Smalpage, proud father of Jack Smalpage
"When it's on in the cage, you keep hands inside all the time... get out there in the game, you seem to keep your hands inside the ball; a fair bit more." - Jack Smalpage .250 to 380 avg, Western Australia, State League Batting Champion.