26 Jun Power BP Round
Round 1: Deep contact; two-handed finish. Round 2: Extended contact; top-hand release. Round 3: Contact zone determines the follow through....
Home » Blog » LASER Blast drills
Round 1: Deep contact; two-handed finish. Round 2: Extended contact; top-hand release. Round 3: Contact zone determines the follow through....
12 point Laser Blast checklist, for automatic/reflex hitting mechanics. Isolating your baseball, softball swing blast, the basics for hitting a fastball....
Get more Bat Speed in 60 Swings, 15 Minutes...
Toss the ball in all locations, outside, inside, up, down. If you’re having problems with a location, continue to toss the ball their until you make the necessary swing adjustments. Toss the ball faster to improve reaction time hitting a fastball. Train off-speed by reducing the speed, arc, and angle...
Late in 2016, Eric Thames was the first of many high-profile professionals using our Laser Power Swing Trainer, to improve bat speed, and power. Soon after, signing a sixteen million dollar contract with the Milwaukee Brewers, breaking their home run record for the first month of the season....
The Multi-Swing Method defines two primary swing types. Contact close to your body, and away from your body; each requiring unique mechanics for success. Comparing the contact zones, note the difference in the swing circumference, and the use of top, and bottom hands on the follow through....
Combine these 2 types of batting strides to train a complete power hitter....
Advanced Laser Blast drills you're isolating your swing blast. Engage your core muscles in your stance, the adductor longus connects to your hips....
You have to see for yourself. After you crush 5-10 up-and-inside pitches, hitting the ball with backspin, and keeping the ball fair; things start to click. From here everything progresses fast. After you’re confident you can handle the up-and-inside power fastball, you can perform the same sequence with any...
Like I said after you realize you can hit the hard and inside pitch; your confidence grows allowing you to hit the best pitchers in the MLB. What I’ve argued all along my advanced Laser Blast is the most important swing type for a hitter. You know how to adjust...
To hit a dominant inside fastball, you need to keep your hands inside the ball, ripping your hands forward, to contact. Our baseball power hitting aid, trains you to hit the hardest pitch locations....
Regarding bat speed, strength, and hitting mechanics, the three elements combine to form the fundamentals of the ultimate baseball, and softball power swing....
Our Power Batting Swing Trainer to keep your back elbow connected to your hips, to prevent reaching; and keeping your hands inside the baseball guiding you to a compact, and powerful swing. All you have to do is focus on your core hitting mechanics, using your hips to turn your back...
Laser Blast, your front arm’s inside your Laser Power Swing Trainer; receiving the benefits of Accelerated Relaunch. Laser Whip, your front arm’s outside your Laser Power Swing Trainer; gaining an extra boost at the Accelerated Launch, transforming to powerful momentum for extended contact zones....
Our real time results speak for themselves, youth players struggle at first, but all make the critical adjustments to progress! Thus begins the process of "power hitting muscle memory."...
"I’ve also told all our guys they will be getting their own, and they are so pumped. “Really? Oh, that’s awesome coach!” - Rusty Mcnamara, Hitting Coach; University Of Hawaii, USA.
"I can't wait to put this thing on and go to work... crushing it." - Eric Thames, MLB Player, Milwaukee Brewers.
"When I do this, straight back, I feel the muscle contraction... you're doing the right thing." - Federico Giordani, Team Europe, L.A Dodgers Prospect.