12 Feb Automatic Mechanics
12 point Laser Blast checklist, for automatic/reflex hitting mechanics. Isolating your baseball, softball swing blast, the basics for hitting a fastball....
12 point Laser Blast checklist, for automatic/reflex hitting mechanics. Isolating your baseball, softball swing blast, the basics for hitting a fastball....
Learn to how generate a power from your core....
Late in 2016, Eric Thames was the first of many high-profile professionals using our Laser Power Swing Trainer, to improve bat speed, and power. Soon after, signing a sixteen million dollar contract with the Milwaukee Brewers, breaking their home run record for the first month of the season....
Simple and effective fastball hitting tips and batting drills for parents, coaches, and players. Prepare a game day fastball swing during batting practice....
Standard heavy bat drills force your front deltoids, and biceps to take the extra weight (non critical power hitting muscles). Despite the extra weight, our power swing training aid keeps you connected, boosting bat speed; helps to use your, forearms, critical to controlling the bat barrel....
Place your back arm inside our power hitting aid, raising your back elbow, creating a “Laser Whip” of bat speed for powerful extension. Boost bat speed, while resistance keeps your hands inside the ball. Improve follow through swing mechanics, giving speed and strength for staying through the ball....
By hitting the ball to the opposite field early in the game, you set yourself up to receive a more straightforward pitch to hit for a home run later on in the game. Hitting for power can be a game of chess with the pitcher, he who outwits the other...
During this drill, you can decide if you want to release your top-hand or keep two-hands on the bat during your follow through. Depending on how far your arms extend away from your body at contact....
Our 4-step practice formula builds gameday confidence. ...
Fix Common Mistakes, Balancing Your Power Swing, Relax to Improve Bat Speed....
Heavy bat drills are useless without our power hitting aid, normally the extra weight pulls your arms away from your body, however, using our hitting aid you stay connected; maintaining bat speed....
Phases of Exopower...
Using our baseball swing trainer finish up with advanced Laser Whip front toss, working on low and outside pitch locations. Use a top-hand release finish to allow for more extension; physically preparing for a softer pitch type or hard breaking slider on the outside edge of home plate....
Like I said after you realize you can hit the hard and inside pitch; your confidence grows allowing you to hit the best pitchers in the MLB. What I’ve argued all along my advanced Laser Blast is the most important swing type for a hitter. You know how to adjust...
To hit a dominant inside fastball, you need to keep your hands inside the ball, ripping your hands forward, to contact. Our baseball power hitting aid, trains you to hit the hardest pitch locations....
"One of the Pony League teams, even though, not an elite junior team, are beating the elite middle school, baseball teams; they are using the Laser Power ST." - South Korea
"When I do this, straight back, I feel the muscle contraction... you're doing the right thing." - Federico Giordani, Team Europe, L.A Dodgers Prospect.
"My forearms and hands are free to move, while stopping my elbows from flying around." - Boston Renegades, Beep-Ball; USA.