26 Jun Power BP Round
Round 1: Deep contact; two-handed finish. Round 2: Extended contact; top-hand release. Round 3: Contact zone determines the follow through....
Round 1: Deep contact; two-handed finish. Round 2: Extended contact; top-hand release. Round 3: Contact zone determines the follow through....
A player attacking the opposite field with power is a fearsome hitter! Learn how hitting the ball to the opposite field fixes common hitting mistakes....
Get more Bat Speed in 60 Swings, 15 Minutes...
Toss the ball in all locations, outside, inside, up, down. If you’re having problems with a location, continue to toss the ball their until you make the necessary swing adjustments. Toss the ball faster to improve reaction time hitting a fastball. Train off-speed by reducing the speed, arc, and angle...
Our 4-step practice formula builds gameday confidence. ...
Question: How do you teach kids the complexities of core hitting mechanics, specifically rotation and hands inside the ball?...
You can do the same sequence with most hitting drills. If you like you can mix and match the order, hitting style, and bat selection. One thing for sure, using our power batting aid, you’ll be hitting lasers!...
Get More Power With Our Power Hitting Practice Program. Time-saving power hitting drills designed to train key parts to develop a powerful swing. Learn how to hit for power plus a high batting average. Our scientific power hitting formula trains you to hit both deep contact and extended contact zones for power....
TIME-SAVING PRACTICE PLAN: 3 basic tee drills: extension, bat speed and opposite field hitting. Coaching basic hitting mechanics in 20 minutes....
"One of the Pony League teams, even though, not an elite junior team, are beating the elite middle school, baseball teams; they are using the Laser Power ST." - South Korea
"Proud of my boy, U/17 All Australian, State League, batting champion, making the All-Star team, another great result for the product, thanks." - Colin Smalpage, proud father of Jack Smalpage
"Known for defense, never seen as the power hitter, I hit 2 doubles this weekend, the hardest balls I’ve hit. I'm having fun at the plate, relaxing without feeling exhaustive. The product is a great asset." - NABA, Denver National Adult Baseball Association; USA.