28 Jan Rotational Hitting
Learn to how generate a power from your core....
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Learn to how generate a power from your core....
The key to top-hand power hitting drills is controlling your barrel. Top-Hand training improves strength in the forearm muscles, vital for maintaining the optimal level at contact....
You can't get to points B and C if you skip point A. It's vital to learn mechanics to engage your core power before moving onto the next steps. We put a lot of thought into making a simple drill to teach, core power, rotating and staying connected....
See immediate results as our Laser Stap combines resistance, and acceleration to improve bat speed, strength, and hitting mechanics, keeping your hands inside the ball for every swing; all you have to do is wear our batting aid, and hit! You can set your Laser Power Swing Trainer at medium...
Avoid overswinging. Try to hit the ball in the pull-side alley, helping you to "stay back" and keep the ball in fair territory....
Laser Beam Side or Front Toss. Hitting drill designed to build your swing foundation. Heavy bat optional....
In summary, the Multi-Swing Method states your contact zone determines your mechanics. Players with experience are more likely to comprehend our advanced level Multi-Swing Method, working hand-in-hand with the Laser Power Swing Trainer....
Purpose: Train mechanics for "up-and-inside" fastball where the ball is up on you quick, and you've minimal time to react. Objective: Pull the ball, however, keep it in fair territory. Problem: Player rolled over trying to hit the pitch up the middle. Adjustment: Focusing on disciplined pull-side power hitting....
Improve contact closer to the body, improving top hand mechanics to hit a dominant inside fastball. Right-hand hit, and right-hand throw players, using a top-hand release follow through are top hand swing dominant, however, using a bottom hand dominant swing....
Your hips are critical for bat speed and power, turn your back leg from your core, track the ball, and explode with your swing, as the ball arrives closer to your body. The further your back elbow moves away from your body, bat speed decreases. Our hands inside the ball...
Incorrect rotation triggers too much weight on your back leg/foot. Pressure on your back leg/foot triggers a tilt in the angle of your hips, dipping of the shoulders; triggers pulling off the ball, long and loopy swing as your bat head to drops....
Basic bat speed training tips and drills. Rotation takes the weight off your back foot, so you can spin on your back toe. Head down at contact and on your swing follow through. You can’t keep your head down on the follow through if you’re arming, and casting your swing....
Our bat speed training drills build confidence to hit a dominant inside fastball. Instantly increase your bat speed following our simple program. ...
Get more bat speed in only 20 swings! Learn to hit the ball as it arrives closer to your body (dominant fastball hitting mechanics), and further away (hanging slider hitting mechanics); becoming a complete power hitter. ...
Leading your swing with your hips as opposed to your hands improves bat speed, power; allowing you to hold your swing at last second. ...
I will enjoy sharing your product, as I feel casting is the number one issue I see with youth players. - Jim, YouthBaseballTalk.com, Illinois; USA.
"When it's on in the cage, you keep hands inside all the time... get out there in the game, you seem to keep your hands inside the ball; a fair bit more." - Jack Smalpage .250 to 380 avg, Western Australia, State League Batting Champion.
"Currently, NC Dinos (Korea Pro Baseball Team) is playing Korean Series Play-Off (Semi-Final) I am meeting the team analyst, introducing the Laser Power ST." - South Korea