Kangaroo Court, Tampa

The Story

  • Location: Kangaroo Court, Tampa Bay; Florida, USA.
  • Player: Youth baseball.
  • Exoprecise Hitting Trainer: Hit Lasers (One-Piece) Bat Speed Trainer.
  • Setup: Laser Whip.
  • Drills: Weighted bat side toss, and side toss (no weight).
  • Multi-Swing Method: Hybrid Mechanics.
  • Notes: Unless the leading arm is strong, recommending Laser Blast, both arms inside the Hit Lasers (One-Piece) Bat Speed Trainer; during heavy bat drills. An outstanding effort, by the youth player, performing Laser Whip, using the heavy bat.
Baseball, Your Stories, Youth
#MyLaserPowerSwing, Heavy Bat Training Aid, Kangaroo Court, Laser Whip