The “Hoff,” David Hasselhoff is big in Germany. Our Hit Lasers Bat Speed Trainer is a big hit in the Netherlands! Enjoy, the U/23 Netherlands national team, preparing for the 2017 European Championships. Thanks for sharing, #MyLaserPowerSwing.
Due to commitments, educating the world about Exoprecise and the Multi-Swing Method, reducing the time to review player videos. Yesterday, staff posting two excellent videos; U/23 Netherlands, Laser Reflex, Multi-Swing Method, two-handed finish. Laser Whip, Multi-Swing Method; top-hand release. Exoprecise hitting trainers morph to your swing mechanics. Therefore, you can swing any way you decide. I have a responsibility to the baseball and softball community, fighting against the mainstream, “one-dimensional” methods, sharing my wealth of knowledge.
Comparing the deep and extended contact zones:
For example, Laser Whip, observing the swing path, contact zone, timing the release of the top-hand, improving reach. Improper, timing of the results in a ground ball, pop-fly, and striking out. Conversely, Laser Reflex, reducing the size for Laser Blast, increasing Exoprecise forces, isolating deep contact. During the Exoprecise invention process, conceptualizing the Sport Precise method, additionally, creating the Multi-Swing Method. Paraphrasing, the Multi-Swing Method defines multiple swing types for multiple contact zones, for example, deep/extended. Coaching power hitting mechanics for challenging locations.
During the week Bram “The Blaster” Grooten, practicing Laser Reflex drills, improving “deep contact” mechanics. Reducing the size, increasing the forces during Laser Blast drills, limiting the influence of your arms, training our Multi-Swing Method, Reflex mechanics; using a short/flat swing plane, and the two-handed finish. Conversely, improve extension training Laser Whip drills.
Bram implements the Laser Reflex swing during his first at-bat; for the Netherlands men’s national team, ripping a laser line drive to right-field. Excellent work to all involved, and thanks for sharing your Laser moment with the world.
“Our Exoprecise hitting trainers are a massive hit around the world, for example, the Netherlands embracing, understanding and mastering our product/methods. The advancing culture adapts quickly to change, meanwhile, other cultures slow, however, sooner all later, turning to the Laser Darkside; (insert evil laugh).” – 2017 social media post.
Everyone who touches it turns to gold: Rachid Engelhardt, clutching up in the tenth inning, full-count, driving the ball to left-center field, scoring two runs, game-winning hit, sealing victory; U/23 European Champions! Congratulations to the Netherlands team, triumphing over the courageous, Czech Republic.