Launch Pad


Launch Pad

During the batting stance, Exoprecise forces stabilizes and navigates your elbows to the perfect distance from your core.

Laser Power Swing Trainer

Laser Blast (both arms inside)

Laser Power Swing Trainer

Laser Whip (back arm inside)

Laser Power Swing Trainer

Laser Shot (front arm inside)

Laser Power Swing Trainer
Laser Power Swing Trainer


Hitting Stage: Setting up in the batting stance.

Laser Power Swing Trainer

Front Elbow: A movement to the front, towards the body’s center/core.

Laser Power Swing Trainer
Laser Power Swing Trainer

Back Elbow: A movement up and away from the body’s center/core.


Laser Power Swing Trainer

Front Elbow: Movement of the elbows, triggers Exoprecise Forces.

Laser Power Swing Trainer
Laser Power Swing Trainer

Back Elbow: Movement of the elbows, triggers Exoprecise Forces.

Muscle System

  • Strength: Thoracic core, deep muscle system; back, sides, abdominal, and shoulders.
  • Speed: Exerting resistance, triggering acceleration; releasing to start the swing.
Laser Power Swing Trainer


Setting up in the batter’s box, Exoprecise forces stabilizes and navigates your elbows to the perfect distance from your core. Refining the elbow and shoulder alignment, encouraging proper stance mechanics; eradicating swing path errors caused by the elbows moving away from your body, for example, casting.

Laser Power Swing Trainer


Exopower defines the phases of our Sport Precise training method during the baseball and softball swing.

Accelerated Launch

Accelerated Launch
Starting the swing, releasing, triggers the acceleration of your elbows; increasing bat speed, guiding the optimal swing path to contact.

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Accelerated Relaunch

Accelerated Relaunch
Strengthen hitting muscles, improving bat speed, and mechanics. Speed transforms to momentum for extended contact areas.

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Load Force

Load Force
Strengthen the hitting muscles, steering your elbows, improving mechanics; releasing triggers the boost in bat speed to start the swing.

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Exoprecise forces, navigating the elbows, staying connected, squaring up to the baseball and softball; upon impact.

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Momentum Force

Momentum Force
Staying through the ball Exoprecise forces, improve strength in hitting muscles, triggering bat speed for the final phase.

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Accelerated Return

Accelerated Return
The Laser Power ST, working from the start of your swing to the finish, improving bat speed, follow through mechanics, and strength.

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Q: What are the advantages of our Exoprecise hitting products?

A: Players are ahead of the curve.

See the case studies.