31 Jul Barrel Control: Billy Eastman, Carine Cats Baseball 16U
Bat Speed Trainer drill, side toss (metal bat); fastball hitting; 2-hand finish, keeping the bat close to your body on the follow-through....
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Bat Speed Trainer drill, side toss (metal bat); fastball hitting; 2-hand finish, keeping the bat close to your body on the follow-through....
Coaching the challenging pitches - up/inside, and low/outside; anything in between is easy....
Coaching hard, and inside. Identifying improper turn-control. Controlling the back-leg turn, using your core....
Hitting tips, adjusting your batting stance/body, according to the pitch velocity....
Consistent batting practice with our Exoprecise hitting trainers, growing the confidence to hit the inside fastball....
Isolation hitting drills, staying connected, hitting the inside fastball....
Exploding, core power; staying connected at contact (deep-contact). Example: Hard-up-inside-fastball, no time to think; “on-you” fast....
Overview: Fastball mechanics, hitting approach, and compact/flat swing plane....
Coaching fastball hitting mechanics, activating the reflex system to improve bat speed. Pitch selection, ball-tracking, hitting approach....
Overview: Fastball hitting, rotation, batting stance, and tracking. Practicing the challenging pitches improves game-day performance....
Overview: Moving the bat, without moving your arms; (Magic Trick). Coach: Clinton Balgera, inventor of Exoprecise; Multi-Swing Method....
Series: Hit Lasers Challenge. Top hand mechanics, fastball/reflex hitting tips. Setup: Laser Beam. Player: Junior league/high school....
Matching the proper follow-thru for the trailing hand dominant player, analysis of the one/two-handed follow thru....
Overview: Reflex hitting to increase bat speed, player body size/shape, weight distribution, avoiding the knees over your toes....
Fastball hitting, turn-control, hips before hands, balance, over-rotating, over-swinging, tracking, approach, and self-teaching....
It's helping players get a better feel of how to use their body. - Dwight Malloy, WSN Sports Academy; OHIO, USA.
"I’ve also told all our guys they will be getting their own, and they are so pumped. “Really? Oh, that’s awesome coach!” - Rusty Mcnamara, Hitting Coach; University Of Hawaii, USA.
I have identified your hitting trainer as the best for proper upper-body swing mechanics. - Howard Nakagama, Scout, Chicago White Sox ; USA.