02 Jul Rangers, Scout Of The Year.
Adding to the list of Big League fans: Rick Schroeder, 2016, Texas Rangers, Scout of the Year; approving our Hit Lasers Bat Speed Trainer. ...
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Adding to the list of Big League fans: Rick Schroeder, 2016, Texas Rangers, Scout of the Year; approving our Hit Lasers Bat Speed Trainer. ...
Round 1: Deep contact; two-handed finish. Round 2: Extended contact; top-hand release. Round 3: Contact zone determines the follow through....
Top 10 hitting posts for baseball and softball, ranking by order of social media shares....
POWER INCREASED IMMEDIATELY. One of our players found his power increased immediately when he kept his arms more bent and close to his body. Here is another quote from one of our players who we taught how to swing a bat just three years ago, I thought you might enjoy...
Learn to how generate a power from your core....
Get more Bat Speed in 60 Swings, 15 Minutes...
Toss the ball in all locations, outside, inside, up, down. If you’re having problems with a location, continue to toss the ball their until you make the necessary swing adjustments. Toss the ball faster to improve reaction time hitting a fastball. Train off-speed by reducing the speed, arc, and angle...
Keep hand movement to a minimum as you load, and stride. Avoiding conscious thoughts of loading with your hands, which leads to overloading, or wrapping. Focus on loading from your core, your hands naturally separate as you stride forward; AKA swing separation....
Late in 2016, Eric Thames was the first of many high-profile professionals using our Laser Power Swing Trainer, to improve bat speed, and power. Soon after, signing a sixteen million dollar contract with the Milwaukee Brewers, breaking their home run record for the first month of the season....
Our baseball swing trainer, the Laser Strap Bat Speed Trainer is now the Laser Power Swing Trainer. The Hitting Project, thehittingproject.com is now Hit Lasers hitlasers.com...
Baseball and softball power batting practice plan. Level - High School Baseball to Professional Baseball. Batting practice time - 30 to 40 minutes....
Our power hitting aid anchors a circumference of unbroken, and consistent resistance, working your involuntary muscles; during your regular batting practice. Morphing to your swing, without hindering your natural flow; triggering, strengthening power hitting muscles during batting practice....
The key to top-hand power hitting drills is controlling your barrel. Top-Hand training improves strength in the forearm muscles, vital for maintaining the optimal level at contact....
The Multi-Swing Method defines two primary swing types. Contact close to your body, and away from your body; each requiring unique mechanics for success. Comparing the contact zones, note the difference in the swing circumference, and the use of top, and bottom hands on the follow through....
I am amazed to see, 8 out of every 10 youth players; with horrendous mechanics. Primarily, youth players need to learn to hit with minimal movement, after which integrating more prominent motion for striding, and a raised elbow....
"My forearms and hands are free to move, while stopping my elbows from flying around." - Boston Renegades, Beep-Ball; USA.
"I’ve also told all our guys they will be getting their own, and they are so pumped. “Really? Oh, that’s awesome coach!” - Rusty Mcnamara, Hitting Coach; University Of Hawaii, USA.
"When it's on in the cage, you keep hands inside all the time... get out there in the game, you seem to keep your hands inside the ball; a fair bit more." - Jack Smalpage .250 to 380 avg, Western Australia, State League Batting Champion.