
360° Of Exoprecise Forces

The sphere of Exoprecise ® ℗ nanofibers surrounds the upper-body, balancing the forces of acceleration/resistance (yin-yang), improving the performance of your baseball/softball swing. Anchoring at the elbows, attaching securely to the body; when not in use, slide out your arms, wearing around the waist – easy access.

Exoprecise ® ℗ Nanofibers

Three-Dimensional, elastin nanofibers; woven, microstructural layering. Our Exoprecise ® ℗ Nanofiber design produces the stretch of elastin, smoothness of the skin, the flexibility of fasciae, speed of the fast twitch fibers, the strength of muscles/collagen, push and pull forces of the ligaments/tendons, the stability of bones/joints, and balance of the spine.


Ultra-thin, lightweight, unobtrusive, wearing for long periods. Impervious to repetitive motion, reducing friction on the arms, chest, and back; Exoprecise nanofibers, dispersing the heat, eliminating skin irritation.


Synchronously, expanding, contracting, reacting, and morphing to the body’s natural motion.

resistance navigates your elbows


Ultra-high PSI tensile strength, and stretch-limit; resilient to breaking under tension, accommodating to the stresses, and strain of power-hitting biomechanics. Passing, rigorous testing under extreme conditions.


Durable, returning to the original shape, without permanent alteration.

power hitting muscles


Range of Motion

The Hit Lasers (One-Piece) Bat Speed Trainer is an Exoprecise ROM1 model.

Laser Power Swing Trainer

Resistance Slider

Delivering a simple solution, adjusting the size/resistance for extra-small, and extra-large players.

  • Increasing the size reduces the resistance, conversely decreasing the size increases the resistance.
  • Thread the left-over Exoprecise material through the Resistance Slider, securing and balancing the Hit Lasers Bat Speed Trainer.
Laser Power ST Instructions
Laser Power ST Instructions
Laser Power ST Batting Aid

Sizing Tip

Proper Exoprecise Forces

Wearing for the first time, raise both elbows to the side, checking for proper Exoprecise forces.

Increase the size:

  • Overwhelming resistance.
  • Force pulls the ROM1 Stabilizers up the arm.
  • Bunching of the Exoprecise material, near the Balance Sliders.

Reduce the size:

  • Underwhelming resistance.
  • ROM1 Axis Stabilizer is loose, flapping on the middle of your back.
wearing laser power st


Unobtrusive, comfortable material, accommodating the full flexion and extension of the arms, anchoring the Exoprecise; throughout your baseball, and softball swing.

  • Adjust the size for a snug fit.
  • Stretch, and slide the arms inside, inserting one arm for isolation exercises.
  • For best performance position on the skin, alternatively, wear around your sleeves.
  • Place directly above the elbows for maximum resistance, optional to place at the mid-bicep, reducing the force.
Anchoring at the elbows

Balance Sliders

Gliding the ROM1 Axis Stabilizers along the silky-smooth Exoprecise nanofibres, linking 360 degrees of unbroken force. Balancing the Hit Lasers Bat Speed Trainer, after resizing; slide and align the ROM1 Axis Stabilizers to your hips.

Wearing, on the arms; slide and align, adjusting anterior, and posterior forces:

  • Slide to the inside of the bicep, increasing frontal forces.
  • Slide to the middle/outside of the bicep (recommended setting), balancing the forces.
Wearing Laser Power ST Hitting Aid
Power Hitting Trainer


Clip-in around the torso and arms, securing the Exoprecise, aligning to your spine for balance, maximizing the performance of your Hit Lasers Bat Speed Trainer.


Complete range of motion for sports

The ROM2 model accommodates, raising both arms above your shoulders, for example, a slam-dunk. During batting practice, proper sizing and fitting of the ROM1 stabilizers, hold the Hit Lasers Bat Speed Trainer in place; for all body shapes/sizes. However, players matching the criteria below, preferring a greater margin for error when sizing; we recommend the ROM2 model for extra hold/support.


  • Youth players with smaller arms.
  • Female athletes, for example, fastpitch softball players; bigger than a B cup, bra-size.
  • Players, using an extremely high two-handed follow through; for example, Prince Fielder.
  • Players, wearing loose and thick sleeves for batting practice.
cricket precise power trainer batting bowling fielding

ROM2 Stabilizer

  • Anchoring the Exoprecise for upward movement, above the shoulders.
  • Adapting to torso height raise and lower the placement; in-between the waist, and belly-button.


Bridging the Exoprecise and ROM2 Axis Stabilizer.

cricket coaching aid


Proper sizing is critical to the best performance of your Hit Lasers Bat Speed Trainer, visit our Quickstart page, or download the PDF below.


Combining bat speed, strength, and mechanics; producing the powerful, and precise game-day swing.

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Overview: 360°

Overview: 360°
Combining 360° of Exoprecise forces (the precise amount) with a silky-smooth design. Hit smarter, faster, stronger; for longer.

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The explosion of bat speed, skyrocketing your barrel to the ball, and beyond. Practice an explosive/compact swing, you’ll hit lasers!

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During batting practice our trainers produce the precise amount of forces, maneuvering the elbows to an ideal distance from your torso.

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Strength & Endurance

Strength & Endurance
Ignite your baseball/softball swing, strengthening the precise power-hitting muscles, training longer; without burning out.

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Learn more about Exoprecise, visit the official website