19 Jul Hitting Slumps: Mindfulness Techniques
During a hitting slump avoid the turmoil, using mindfulness techniques, coaching confidence, nurturing the team of positive players....
During a hitting slump avoid the turmoil, using mindfulness techniques, coaching confidence, nurturing the team of positive players....
Round 1: Deep contact; two-handed finish. Round 2: Extended contact; top-hand release. Round 3: Contact zone determines the follow through....
Interesting to note Bryce Harper is a bottom hand dominant player using a top hand dominant baseball power swing. In summary, a player who will hit 30-40 home runs a year, especially in a hitter-friendly ballpark. However, has the potential to hit more home runs....
The key to top-hand power hitting drills is controlling your barrel. Top-Hand training improves strength in the forearm muscles, vital for maintaining the optimal level at contact....
The Multi-Swing Method defines two primary swing types. Contact close to your body, and away from your body; each requiring unique mechanics for success. Comparing the contact zones, note the difference in the swing circumference, and the use of top, and bottom hands on the follow through....
Standard heavy bat drills force your front deltoids, and biceps to take the extra weight (non critical power hitting muscles). Despite the extra weight, our power swing training aid keeps you connected, boosting bat speed; helps to use your, forearms, critical to controlling the bat barrel....
Place your back arm inside our power hitting aid, raising your back elbow, creating a “Laser Whip” of bat speed for powerful extension. Boost bat speed, while resistance keeps your hands inside the ball. Improve follow through swing mechanics, giving speed and strength for staying through the ball....
20 Swings – Top Hand Compact Swing Mechanics. 20 Swings – Bottom Hand Extension Mechanics. 20 Swings – Laser Blast Compact Swing Mechanics. 20 Swings – Laser Blast “Hanging” Slider Swing Mechanics. 20 Swings – Laser Whip Extension Mechanics. Low, Outside; Low, In Front...
Pitch selection and the way you take a pitch shows much about your mechanics. ...
Our 4-step practice formula builds gameday confidence. ...
Heavy bat drills are useless without our power hitting aid, normally the extra weight pulls your arms away from your body, however, using our hitting aid you stay connected; maintaining bat speed....
In summary, the Multi-Swing Method states your contact zone determines your mechanics. Players with experience are more likely to comprehend our advanced level Multi-Swing Method, working hand-in-hand with the Laser Power Swing Trainer....
Simple physics lesson: Variable 1 + Variable 2 = Result. The pitch type, Variable 1, determining the swing type, Variable 2. ...
To hit a dominant inside fastball, you need to keep your hands inside the ball, ripping your hands forward, to contact. Our baseball power hitting aid, trains you to hit the hardest pitch locations....
Blasting core driven power, and extension: Generate the bat speed required to make contact, creating Momentum-Driven Power; after you disconnect from your core. Laser Blast, and Laser Whip methods give you the skills for success against late-breaking pitches, combining bat speed, power, and extension....
"When it's on in the cage, you keep hands inside all the time... get out there in the game, you seem to keep your hands inside the ball; a fair bit more." - Jack Smalpage .250 to 380 avg, Western Australia, State League Batting Champion.
"Barreling, to the pull side and not getting hook-spin he gets a lot of, at times. It was impressive, the other coach kept raising his eyebrows." - Rusty Mcnamara, Hitting Coach; University Of Hawaii, USA.
"My forearms and hands are free to move, while stopping my elbows from flying around." - Boston Renegades, Beep-Ball; USA.