Hands Inside The Ball

Hands Inside the Ball Swing Trainer

The Laser Power Swing Trainer guides you to bat speed, and power; keeping your “hands inside the ball” for every swing.

Laser Power Swing Trainer: Power Hitting Aid

“Hands inside the ball,” is the movement of swinging with your back elbow connected or close to your torso; generating more bat speed and transferring core strength to your swing, acting as a bridge to your power source. For example, imagine you’re hitting in a game, and the pitcher locates a dominant fastball, at the top of the strike zone, and inside corner; if your back elbow extends too far away from your torso, you’ll get “jammed.” Your top-hand plays a critical role with “hands inside the ball” mechanics.

Real world example of core power

If you were to hold a 30-pound rock for 20 seconds, this task is a lot easier when you carry it pressed to your body, as your core muscles take the weight. Alternatively, the further from your body’s center you hold the rock, the heavier it gets, as your weaker shoulders and arms carry the load. The same for power hitting and bat speed, the further your hands get away from your center of gravity, the weaker your swing.

Hands Inside The Ball Swing Trainer

The Ultimate Hands Inside The Ball Swing Trainer

Our Laser Power Swing Trainer Makes It Easy To Train “Hands Inside The Ball”


Training, “hands inside the ball;” is challenging for coaches, one of the many reasons our Laser Power Swing Trainer is the number one choice to improve bat speed. Strategically designed to keep your “hands inside the ball;” every swing, growing “muscle memory” preparing you for the dominant pitchers in your league.

Your Portable Hitting Coach



Lacking the confidence to hit the inside fastball triggers common hitting mistakes. Gameday confidence comes from tracking a dominant fastball longer, with the belief that you are not going to get “jammed.”


Laser Blast isolation drills, where you reduce the size of your hands inside the ball swing trainer to increase resistance, stop you from “reaching” with your arms. Precise resistance to your upper body decreases your ability to “muscle up” using your upper-body, training you to generate power from your core. When you can’t reach for the ball, you have to allow the ball to travel closer to your body before you begin your swing. As a result, it improves bat speed and fixes casting, lunging, jumping out, pulling off the ball, while reducing gameday strikeouts. Additionally, you’ll develop an eagle “batter’s eye” with more time to “read and react” to “late-breaking” pitches such as the “hard slider” or “sinking fastball.”

RELATED:  Baseball Hitting Program To Get More Power
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The official site for Exoprecise (®℗ WIPO) hitting products, including our trailblazing Laser Power ST; baseball/softball swing trainer, discovering the benefits, enjoying free access to unrivaled hitting information; drills, and tips.