12 Feb Automatic Mechanics
12 point Laser Blast checklist, for automatic/reflex hitting mechanics. Isolating your baseball, softball swing blast, the basics for hitting a fastball....
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12 point Laser Blast checklist, for automatic/reflex hitting mechanics. Isolating your baseball, softball swing blast, the basics for hitting a fastball....
Simple and effective fastball hitting tips and batting drills for parents, coaches, and players. Prepare a game day fastball swing during batting practice....
See immediate results as our Laser Stap combines resistance, and acceleration to improve bat speed, strength, and hitting mechanics, keeping your hands inside the ball for every swing; all you have to do is wear our batting aid, and hit! You can set your Laser Power Swing Trainer at medium...
20 Swings – Top Hand Compact Swing Mechanics. 20 Swings – Bottom Hand Extension Mechanics. 20 Swings – Laser Blast Compact Swing Mechanics. 20 Swings – Laser Blast “Hanging” Slider Swing Mechanics. 20 Swings – Laser Whip Extension Mechanics. Low, Outside; Low, In Front...
By hitting the ball to the opposite field early in the game, you set yourself up to receive a more straightforward pitch to hit for a home run later on in the game. Hitting for power can be a game of chess with the pitcher, he who outwits the other...
Avoid overswinging. Try to hit the ball in the pull-side alley, helping you to "stay back" and keep the ball in fair territory....
Simple tips for a quick bat...
If you can’t hit the inside pitch opposition teams will eventually exploit your weakness....
Training, “hands inside the ball;” is challenging for coaches, one of the many reasons our Laser Power Swing Trainer is the number one choice to improve bat speed....
Your only chance against +95mph; close your mind, open your eyes, track the ball deeper and use your reflexes....
The dominant up-and-inside fastball is the ball you'll hit the hardest; due to staying connected to your powerful core at contact. ...
You have to see for yourself. After you crush 5-10 up-and-inside pitches, hitting the ball with backspin, and keeping the ball fair; things start to click. From here everything progresses fast. After you’re confident you can handle the up-and-inside power fastball, you can perform the same sequence with any...
Like I said after you realize you can hit the hard and inside pitch; your confidence grows allowing you to hit the best pitchers in the MLB. What I’ve argued all along my advanced Laser Blast is the most important swing type for a hitter. You know how to adjust...
To hit a dominant inside fastball, you need to keep your hands inside the ball, ripping your hands forward, to contact. Our baseball power hitting aid, trains you to hit the hardest pitch locations....
Our Power Batting Swing Trainer to keep your back elbow connected to your hips, to prevent reaching; and keeping your hands inside the baseball guiding you to a compact, and powerful swing. All you have to do is focus on your core hitting mechanics, using your hips to turn your back...
"When it's on in the cage, you keep hands inside all the time... get out there in the game, you seem to keep your hands inside the ball; a fair bit more." - Jack Smalpage .250 to 380 avg, Western Australia, State League Batting Champion.
"My forearms and hands are free to move, while stopping my elbows from flying around." - Boston Renegades, Beep-Ball; USA.
"I finished the Laser Power ST training and checked the bat speed, swing time, and handle speed. Noticeably all of the records improved." - South Korea