Heavy bat drills improve strength in forearm muscles controlling the level of your bat. Weak forearms, and bad mechanics cause dipping of your barrel, hitting the bottom of the ball; resulting in a pop-up. Additionally, your wrists turn from your forearms, and rolling causes the barrel to rise; hitting a ground...

Resistance improves strength in power hitting muscles. Get more bat speed with a boost in acceleration at the perfect time. Releasing from resistance triggers acceleration, guiding you to a powerful swing path. Unlock the power of your reflexes, the key to hit for power against the power pitchers....

Our power swing training aid guides you to powerful extension, for every swing. During Laser Whip extension drills, our globally patented power swing training aid provides your back arm with the perfect amount of resistance to hands inside the ball. Releasing from resistance after you stride and separate, improves bat...

Spread out in your batting stance, a few inches past shoulder width. Make sure your weight is on the inside balls of your feet. Start your swing load with a lift and in-turn of your front knee. Let the ball travel. Don’t commit to your swing too early. Focus on...

To prevent pulling off, track the ball; making contact closer to your body, and develop your hitting approach. Relaxing helps you to stay back, and potentially decreasing the perception of the speed of a fastball by 5 miles per hour. ...

When you guess hit, you are relying on the pitcher to make a mistake. However, sometimes pitchers do not make mistakes, in this case, you’ll need to hit their best pitches. Long movements, higher leg kick, higher elbow, and a long swing; gives a pitcher the opportunity to disrupt your...

With higher resistance set on your Laser Power Swing Trainer power hitting aid challenge yourself using a heavy bat, coaching you to swing with your hips. Arming your swing with a heavy bat, pulls your elbows away from your body, triggering a long swing, and dropping the barrel.  ...