Exoprecise Hitting Trainer: Hit Lasers (One-Piece) Bat Speed Trainer. Setup: Laser Whip. Drills: Weighted bat side toss, and side toss (no weight). Multi-Swing Method: Hybrid Mechanics....

Exoprecise Hitting Trainer: Hit Lasers (One-Piece) Bat Speed Trainer. Setup: Laser Whip. Drills: Weighted bat side toss. Multi-Swing Method: Hybrid Mechanics....

Setup: Laser Blast. Drills: Tee. Multi-Swing Method: Reflex Mechanics. Exoprecise Hitting Trainer: Hit Lasers (One-Piece) Bat Speed Trainer. Youth baseball coaching....

Our baseball and softball hitting trainer encourages your natural power swing motion, leading to mechanically perfect practice repetitions, skyrocketing your bat speed and power. ...

Starting your swing path, our bat speed trainer uses Exoprecise forces, to trigger acceleration; increasing bat speed, contact accuracy, fixing a long swing, and builds fast twitch muscle fibers for game day....

Reason number three. Comfortable to wear for your entire batting practice, swinging as usual; using with any of your favorite drills....