20 Swings – Top Hand Compact Swing Mechanics. 20 Swings – Bottom Hand Extension Mechanics. 20 Swings – Laser Blast Compact Swing Mechanics. 20 Swings – Laser Blast “Hanging” Slider Swing Mechanics. 20 Swings – Laser Whip Extension Mechanics. Low, Outside; Low, In Front...

By hitting the ball to the opposite field early in the game, you set yourself up to receive a more straightforward pitch to hit for a home run later on in the game. Hitting for power can be a game of chess with the pitcher, he who outwits the other...

Hitting Cheat Sheet provides parents and coaches with quick fixes to the most common hitting mistakes. Access quick fixes for striking out, no power, long swing, jumping out and pulling off the ball...

You don’t need to be a hitting expert to teach your kids to hit. Whether you’re a parent, who wants a simple step-by-step method for teaching your kids to hit, or a "Little League" coach seeking basic practice drills, you can use the following roadmap....

Using our baseball swing trainer finish up with advanced Laser Whip front toss, working on low and outside pitch locations. Use a top-hand release finish to allow for more extension; physically preparing for a softer pitch type or hard breaking slider on the outside edge of home plate....

Blasting core driven power, and extension: Generate the bat speed required to make contact, creating Momentum-Driven Power; after you disconnect from your core. Laser Blast, and Laser Whip methods give you the skills for success against late-breaking pitches, combining bat speed, power, and extension....

Spread out in your batting stance, a few inches past shoulder width. Make sure your weight is on the inside balls of your feet. Start your swing load with a lift and in-turn of your front knee. Let the ball travel. Don’t commit to your swing too early. Focus on...

To prevent pulling off, track the ball; making contact closer to your body, and develop your hitting approach. Relaxing helps you to stay back, and potentially decreasing the perception of the speed of a fastball by 5 miles per hour. ...