03 Feb Batting Stride Drills and Tips
Combine these 2 types of batting strides to train a complete power hitter....
Combine these 2 types of batting strides to train a complete power hitter....
The secret for identifying common hitting mistakes with kids is to focus your attention on one thing at a time...
Firstly, kids will need to build confidence when hitting. The mind plays a crucial role in the “front foot stride.” Simply put, any doubt in a hitters mind reveals itself in the form of rushing the “front foot stride,” as a result, players “step in the bucket.” Secondly, you’ll need...
You don’t need to be a hitting expert to teach your kids to hit. Whether you’re a parent, who wants a simple step-by-step method for teaching your kids to hit, or a "Little League" coach seeking basic practice drills, you can use the following roadmap....
Jumping or lunging triggers head & eye movement, interrupting your ability to track the ball. Consequently, your eyes relay information to your brain which perceives an increase in pitch velocity. To counter, relax, stay back and focus on tracking the baseball. If you're successful, your eyes relay information to your...
Incorrect rotation triggers too much weight on your back leg/foot. Pressure on your back leg/foot triggers a tilt in the angle of your hips, dipping of the shoulders; triggers pulling off the ball, long and loopy swing as your bat head to drops....
Without practicing the minimum amount of repetitions of quality timing drills that is required by your subconscious mind, you will not be prepared for game day...
Minimize movement of your arms and legs to improve the performance of your core muscles. ...
"I'd always go around it, it helped me stay inside." - Jaden Steagall, Tusculum College, Tennessee, USA.
"I’ve also told all our guys they will be getting their own, and they are so pumped. “Really? Oh, that’s awesome coach!” - Rusty Mcnamara, Hitting Coach; University Of Hawaii, USA.
Germany national baseball team manager, Ruggero Bagialemani, trying our Laser Power ST; can't hide the smile on his face. - Euro Baseball Championship, Germany v Netherlands.