Case Study: South Korea

Hit Lasers Bat Speed Trainer, South Korea

Part 1: Bat Speed Testing

The elite high school player, South Korea, reducing the time to contact; 0.01 sec, correlating to a 10% increase in bat speed.

Bat Speed Test Korea

Round 1: Baseline/Benchmark

  • Drill: Tee
  • Swings: 10
  • Set Up: Free swings, without the Hit Lasers Bat Speed Trainer


  • Bat Speed: 55.3 mph
  • Attack Angle: 2 degrees
  • Time to Contact: 0.19 sec
  • Peak Hand Speed: 19.2 mph
Muscle memory for bat speed, keeping your hands-inside-the-ball; during batting practice.

Round 2: Hit Lasers Bat Speed Trainer

Drill: Tee
Swings: 25
Set Up: Laser Blast


  • Bat Speed: 56.8 mph
  • Attack Angle: 5 degrees
  • Time to Contact: 0.18 sec
  • Peak Hand Speed: 19.8 mph

Round 2 Summary

Laser Blast And Bat Speed

Bat speed, slightly, increases; the result of swing path improvements, for example, “staying connected.” Exoprecise forces, allow the player to hit, as usual, improving strength in the “power hitting” muscles, nurturing muscle memory, preparing for the increase bat speed, removing the Hit Lasers Bat Speed Trainer. Movement/Acceleration of the elbows, distributes equal and opposite forces, for example, starting the baseball/softball swing your back-elbow accelerates, “staying through the ball,” the front-elbow collides with the Exoprecise force, accelerating the back-elbow on the follow through; perpetual motion.

Muscle memory for bat speed, keeping your hands-inside-the-ball; during batting practice.

Round 3: Comparison

Drill: Tee
Swings: 10
Set Up: Free swings, removing the Hit Lasers Bat Speed Trainer


  • Bat Speed: 60.6 mph
  • Attack Angle: 3 degrees
  • Time to Contact: 0.17 sec
  • Peak Hand Speed: 19.5 mph

Round 3 Summary

Stimulation of the “brain, muscle communication systems;” fast twitch muscle fibers, acceleration/deceleration, and deep layer “power hitting” muscles. Resulting in the player’s bat, feeling light, and the compact swing path (muscle memory), removing the Hit Lasers Bat Speed Trainer for the final round.

Muscle memory for bat speed, keeping your hands-inside-the-ball; during batting practice.

Improvement from the baseline to the final round:

  • Bat Speed: 9.58%
  • Attack Angle: 7.14%
  • Time to Contact: 10.53%
  • Peak Hand Speed: 1.56%

*Note: the height of the tee, influences the angle attack, the experiment did not record the height for each round, therefore, the data is irrelevant for the bat speed purpose of the experiment.

Future Growth

Taking more Hit Lasers Bat Speed Trainer batting practice in the future, the “power hitting” muscles, fast twitch fibers, and mechanics improve; continuing the increase of bat speed.

hit lasers korea

Part 2: Development Programs

Transcript: Clinton Balgera, inventor of Exoprecise, the driving force of our hitting trainers, founder of the Multi-Swing Method; and the Baseball Development Officer, South Korea.

Elite South Korea High School

Muscle memory for bat speed, keeping your hands-inside-the-ball; during batting practice.

Player 2: Swing Analysis

Excellent swing, however, raising the back-elbow and leg, struggling to hit, facing the above-average fastball; backup plan for the dominant fastball pitcher – spread out, reducing the height of the stride, lowering the back elbow, using a 2-handed follow through.

Player 3: Swing Analysis

WOW, outstanding~~~~!!!!! amazing advice~~!!! I will send to them. Super thanks, one more question, what is the exact meaning of ” lunge and reach?”

No problem, anything I can do for the team in South Korea, it is my pleasure. A common problem all over the world. Lunging, the player’s weight distribution is on the front side, during the stride, planting the front foot, collapsing on the front knee. Too much weight on the back side, during the swing load, is a critical factor. Reaching is an upper-body movement, the result of lunging, reaching out with the arms, failing to “stay back,” and “staying connected;” elbow to the torso.

Tips For lunging:
  • Track the ball from the pitcher’s hand to the barrel, allowing the ball to travel deeper in the zone before swinging.
  • Hit the baseball to the opposite field, assisting with tracking the ball, leading to a compact swing/load/stride.
  • Over-swinging/pulling the ball, during BP triggers, jumping/rushing in the game.
  • Train to hit the challenging pitch locations, lacking the confidence to hit the inside fastball triggers jumping.
  • Relax in the batter’s box, nervous tension makes you “jumpy.”

A secondary benefit of the Hit Lasers Bat Speed Trainer, improving core mechanics. By taking care of the most difficult parts, “staying connected,” increasing bat speed/power; allows coaches to focus on the fundamentals, for example, core mechanics. A simple tip, watch the back foot, providing valuable information for proper rotation. Additionally, Laser Reflex – reducing the size, increasing the Exoprecise forces, limiting the use of the arms; the player adapting with proper core/rotation, freeing the upper body; for power at contact.

Video 1: Simple exercise I created for the USA, fixing complex mistakes.

Video 2: The effects of improper weight distribution.

Video 3: Top hand video, isolating rotation, specifically, “up and inside” fastball.

By the way, excellent batting facility, I will use this for a case study. Similar to Pace Academy, in the USA, skyrocketing stats, 2017/2018; transforming from an average team, making the Georgia AA, state championship game.

Doug Wabeke is the hitting coach at Davenport University; my NJCAA Junior College coach, Grand Rapids community college, winning the NCJAA World Series, back-to-back; where I won the MVP for the World Series. Davenport, moving from NCAA Division 3 to Division 2. Wabeke, contacting before the season, seeking help for a team with an average, batting line-up. Receiving 20 units, excellent results, impressive B.A, and home run production; in contention for a big postseason/playoff-run.

Brilliant, I can send information about Eric Thames, including:

  • Why Eric Thames decided to purchase, playing for the NC Dinos.
  • Identifying the problems, providing ways to fix, preparing for a successful return, facing MLB pitchers.
  • Breakdown of Eric Thames issues, both, in the first MLB tenure and South Korea, recommendations to fix.
  • Custom hitting program, including heavy bat training.
  • Game-day strategy to hit 95 mph up and inside, late-breaking sliders, soft, slow and low.
  • Step by step breakdown of Eric hitting a home run for the Brewers (95 mph up and inside), as per my recommendations.

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