Heavy bat drills are useless without our power hitting aid, normally the extra weight pulls your arms away from your body, however, using our hitting aid you stay connected; maintaining bat speed....

Blasting core driven power, and extension: Generate the bat speed required to make contact, creating Momentum-Driven Power; after you disconnect from your core. Laser Blast, and Laser Whip methods give you the skills for success against late-breaking pitches, combining bat speed, power, and extension....

Jumping or lunging triggers head & eye movement, interrupting your ability to track the ball. Consequently, your eyes relay information to your brain which perceives an increase in pitch velocity. To counter, relax, stay back and focus on tracking the baseball. If you're successful, your eyes relay information to your...

Hitting stance drills, and tips for setting up in a compact batting stance, better for a dominant fastball, and setting up in a powerful extension batting stance, better for hitting pitches such as a “hanging slider.”...

Contact depth, time, and distance it takes to get to the action point, is the top-level category for hitting mechanics. It supersedes rotational and linear movements for the importance of the event....

It’s important you recognize you’re isolating the “Blast” phase of your baseball, or softball swing. It’s most important part of your swing, where you, “Blast” from your core, making contact closer to your body. You are working on a particular pitch, “deeper contact,” against a power pitcher with a “hard...

Over-swinging is another catalyst for pulling off the ball, lunging and a casting swing. Try to remain calm; too much excitement triggers over-swinging. Don’t try to pull the ball for a home run! If you do, you've got no chance to hit late-breaking pitches on the outer edge of the...

*Optional Advanced LASER Training Techniques: The following information is for advanced hitters and is optional advice. Our Laser Power Swing Trainer is a hitting aid that works for all swing types and philosophies...